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Vermont Court Diversion Programs

Windsor County Court Diversion Program

Court Diversion is a restorative alternative for individuals charged with a crime. After police issue a citation for violating the law, the state’s attorney decides whether to refer the person out of the court system to the community-based Court Diversion program. A person who is referred to diversion needs to accept responsibility for their actions, meets with a community panel to develop a contract to repair any harm done, and pays a fee. Once the program has been successfully completed, h/she avoids a criminal record. While contracts are individualized to each participant and their specific needs, some contracts may include restitution, apology letters, reflective essays, or referrals to other community support agencies.

Youth Substance Abuse Safety Program

The Youth Substance Abuse Safety Program (YSASP) provides an alternative to the civil court process for youth (anyone under the age of 18) who violate Vermont’s underage alcohol and/or marijuana laws. YSASP helps young people understand the impact of using substances on themselves and others. The program helps lower the risk of future use, while connecting those identified as high-risk levels to professional substance use clinicians. Individuals referred to the YSASP program will complete a screening. Information gained through the process will be used to engage the youth on a brief, educational intervention. If the youth is under the age of 18, parent permission is necessary.

Pretrial Services

Individuals cited or arrested for certain offenses may participate in a Risk Assessment which asks about criminal history and a Needs Assessment which asks about mental health and substance uses. The results will be shared with the prosecutor, and cannot be used against you to prove your guilt. The coordinator will provide you with information about other resources to help you address any areas of concern.

  • Pretrial Services (A voluntary program for adults with substance use or mental health treatment needs who are going through the court process and awaiting final case resolution)
  • Tamarack (A post-arraignment, treatment-based program)
Driving with License Suspended (DLS)

The Driving with License Suspended Program is designed to help Vermont residents get their license back. A case manager will help them navigate the system, have fines reduced, and help them get their license re-instated.  Each individual contract will be different, so contact Mary for more information.

Victim Liaison

Our victim liaison is available to help identified harm parties understand our various programs and the Restorative Justice process.

Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ)

The BARJ program is an arm of the youth justice system that provides support to youth who are at-risk for involvement in the justice system or have been adjudicated and may or may not be on probation with DCF-Family Services. The primary goal of the BARJ program is to support youth involved in, or at risk of becoming involved in the justice system by providing restorative interventions that reduce or eliminate further involvement in the system.